Upcoming Classes with Will
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Mission Bootcamp
All Levels Welcome

The purpose of this high intensity class is burning fat and building endurance. By performing a full-body circuit, these classes will tone your whole body while shredding through those extra pounds.
Thursday, Apr 03
Mission Bodybuilding
Intermediate or Above (Will Accommodate Beginners!)

This class is designed to deliver a whole-body resistance training workout. Come gain mass and mastery during this advanced bodybuilding hour!
Friday, Apr 04
Castro Bootcamp
Tuesday, Apr 08
Mission Bootcamp
All Levels Welcome

The purpose of this high intensity class is burning fat and building endurance. By performing a full-body circuit, these classes will tone your whole body while shredding through those extra pounds.
Thursday, Apr 10
Mission Bodybuilding
Intermediate or Above (Will Accommodate Beginners!)

This class is designed to deliver a whole-body resistance training workout. Come gain mass and mastery during this advanced bodybuilding hour!